Tomoki Nosaka
Tomoki Nosaka
2013-2016 Ph.D. in Science, Kyoto University
2011-2013 M.A. in Science, Kyoto University
2007-2011 B.S. in Science, Kyoto University
Professional Experience

2021.11-2022.01 Research Part-time Worker in RIKEN iTHEMS

2019.11-2021.10 Postdoctoral Visiting Researcher in Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Research Fellow of Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare)

2016.04-2019.10 Research Fellow in Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea

2013.04-2016.03 Research Fellow in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Research Interest

I am interested in the theoretical particle physics. I have been trying to reveal new aspects of M-theory, which is supposed to be the theory of everything though still being mysterious, by means of the supersymmetric gauge theories, matrix models and their integrability. Recently I am also interested in the quantum information theory and the various notions of chaos in quantum many-body systems which are found to be closely related to the black hole physics.

Selected Publications

1. Tomoki Nosaka, "SU(N) q-Toda equations from mass deformed ABJM theory," JHEP 06 (2021) 060 [arXiv:2012.07211 [hep-th]]

2. Tomoki Nosaka and Tokiro Numasawa, "Chaos exponents of SYK traversable wormholes," JHEP 02 (2021) 150 [arXiv:2009.10759 [hep-th]]

3. Tomoki Nosaka and Tokiro Numasawa, "Quantum Chaos, Thermodynamics and Black Hole Microstates in the mass deformed SYK model," JHEP 08 (2020) 081 [arXiv:1912.12302[hep-th]]

4. Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia, Tomoki Nosaka, Dario Rosa, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, "Quantum chaos transition in a two-site SYK model dual to an eternal traversable wormhole", 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.026002 [arXiv:1901.06031[hep-th]]

5. Naotaka Kubo, Sanefumi Moriyama, Tomoki Nosaka, "Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Curves and Super Chern-Simons Matrix Models", JHEP 1901 (2019) 210 [arXiv:1811.06048 [hep-th]]

6. Masazumi Honda, Tomoki Nosaka, Kazuma Shimizu and Seiji Terashima, "Supersymmetry Breaking in a Large N Gauge Theory with Gravity Dual", JHEP 1903 (2019) 159 [arXiv:1807.08874 [hep-th]]

7. Tomoki Nosaka, Dario Rosa and Junggi Yoon, "The Thouless time for mass-deformed SYK", JHEP 1809 (2018) 041 [arXiv:1804.09934 [hep-th]]

8. Tomoki Nosaka and Shuichi Yokoyama, "Index and duality of minimal N = 4 Chern-Simons-matter theories", JHEP 1806 (2018) 028 [arXiv:1804.04639 [hep-th]]

9. Sanefumi Moriyama, Tomoki Nosaka and Katsuya Yano, "Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from del Pezzo Geometries", JHEP 1711 (2017) 089 [arXiv:1707.02420 [hep-th]]

10. Tomoki Nosaka and Shuichi Yokoyama, "Complete factorization in minimal N = 4 Chern-Simons-matter theory", JHEP 1801 (2018) 001 [arXiv:1706.07234 [hep-th]]

11. Sanefumi Moriyama, Shota Nakayama and Tomoki Nosaka, "Instanton Effects in Rank Deformed Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Topological Strings", JHEP 1708 (2017) 003 [arXiv:1704.04358[hep-th]]

12. Tomoki Nosaka, Kazuma Shimizu and Seiji Terashima, "Mass Deformed ABJM Theory on Three Sphere in Large limit", JHEP 1703 (2017) 121 [arXiv:1608.02654[hep-th]]

13. Sanefumi Moriyama and Tomoki Nosaka, "Orientifold ABJM Matrix Model: Chiral Projections and Worldsheet Instantons", JHEP 1606 (2016) 068 [arXiv:1603.00615[hep-th]]

14. Tomoki Nosaka, Kazuma Shimizu and Seiji Terashima, "Large N behavior of mass deformed ABJM theory", JHEP 1603 (2016) 063 [arXiv:1512.00249[hep-th]]

15. Tomoki Nosaka, "Instanton effects in ABJM theory with general R-charge assignments", JHEP 1603 (2016) 059 [arXiv:1512.02862[hep-th]]

16. Sanefumi Moriyama and Tomoki Nosaka, "Superconformal Chern-Simons Partition Functions of Affine D-type Quiver from Fermi Gas," JHEP 1509 (2015) 054 [arXiv:1504.07710[hep-th]]

17. Sanefumi Moriyama and Tomoki Nosaka, "Exact Instanton Expansion of Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Topological Strings," JHEP 1505 (2015) 022 [arXiv:1412.6243[hep-th]]

18. Sanefumi Moriyama and Tomoki Nosaka, "ABJM membrane instanton from a pole cancellation mechanism," Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 2, 026003 [arXiv:1410.4918[hep-th]]

19. Sanefumi Moriyama and Tomoki Nosaka, "Partition Functions of Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Fermi Gas Approach," JHEP 1411 (2014) 164 [arXiv:1407.4268[hep-th]]

20. Tomoki Nosaka and Seiji Terashima, "Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on a Squashed Four-Sphere," JHEP 1312 (2013) 001 [arXiv:1310.5939[hep-th]]

21. Tomoki Nosaka and Seiji Terashima, "M5-branes in ABJM theory and Nahm equation," Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 125027 [arXiv:1208.1108[hep-th]]

Published Papers