Tetrahedron instantons and M-theory indices (Wenbin Yan)
Feb 01, 2023

Time:  10:00am  (UTC/GMT+8:00, Beijing/Shanghai), Dec. 15 (Wed.) , 2021

Zoom URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83259221747?pwd=ajZBSmY1T0dDNnVPMGVocU5GQXk3QT09

Meeting ID: 832 5922 1747

Password: 123456


Speaker: Wenbin Yan (Tsinghua)



We introduce and study tetrahedron instantons. Physically they capture instantons on $\mathbb{C}^{3}$ in the presence of the most general intersecting codimention-two supersymmetric defects. In this talk, we will explane the construction, moduli space and partition functions of tetrahedron instantons. We will also point out possible relations with M-theory index which could be a generalization of Gupakuma-Vafa theory.