Branes, 3d gauge theories and quantum curves (Naotaka Kubo, May. 31st)
Jun 01, 2023

KITS-Seminar (Special location!)

Time: 10:00-12:00 2023/05/31

Location: S102, teaching building, Zhongguancun campus

Speaker: Naotaka Kubo(TJU)

Title: Branes, 3d gauge theories and quantum curves

Abstract: 3d superconformal Chern-Simons theories are important in the sense that they are the worldvolume theories of M2-branes. Recently, the partition functions of these theories are found to be related to the quantum curves. It was revealed that some quantum curves have simple symmetries. In this talk, I first explain these points. Next, I show that the symmetries imply the dualities of worldvolume theories. Although these dualities are originally motivated by the quantum curves, I also show that there exists a wider class of dualities. After that, I finally return to the string theory. In terms of the type IIB string theory, the dualities have a simple interpretation as a brane transition.