Guidelines for program proposals to Kavli ITS
Oct 01, 2023

Full Proposals are reviewed at the Kavli ITS selection committee meeting every four months. A successful program should have at least one well-organized coordinator in residence all the time. The best programs have two or three coordinators in residence all the time. A successful proposal usually contains the following contents:


1. Title of the event


2. Scientific coordinators


3. Event type


• Regular Workshops:

A small conference with workshop character, an average of 50 – 60 attendees (extrema 30/150 attendees) and a duration of one week (5 days, arrival Sunday, departure Friday/Saturday). The program should consist of talks on advanced topics, discussions and poster sessions. In addition, a colloquium talk and a public evening lecture can be organized.

• Focus Workshops:

A workshop with a strong focus on a particular, modern subtopic, an average of 20 – 50 attendees and a duration of 2 – 3 days.

• Schools:

Teaching-oriented school activities with topical lecture series. A typical period is from one to three weeks.


4. Preferred dates

• Please provide one or two alternative dates


5. Aim of the event

• Why is it timely?


6. Structure of the event

• Talk/lecture series, school activities

• Preliminary schedule

• Time for discussions, interaction and collaboration


7. Participant's details

• Number of expected participants during the workshop/school

• Number of participants from China/Overseas

• Number of students/Post-Docs/senior scientists


8. Preliminary speaker's list (including contribution titles)

• Confirmed, if possible


9. Requested person-days budget

• Number of expected participants x days of attendance

• We always encourage participants to bring their own financial support.

• The financial support is subject to university rules.


10. Requested travel support budget

• We encourage coordinates/participants to find other fund sources to pay the travel cost.

• Limited fund for international airfare is available upon request, for which coordinators should specify the reason.


11. Expected financial support from other sources than Kavli ITS

• Specified, if possible


12. Special requirements/comments