Kavli ITS call for program proposals in the 2024 academic year
Apr 03, 2024

We are writing to invite proposals for the scientific programs of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in the 2024 academic year.


The newly reformulated Kavli ITS, as the succession to the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, China (KITPC), is jointly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the UCAS, and a generous endowment from the Kavli Foundation, USA. At this stage, the researches in Kavli ITS specialize in Condensed Matter Physics, Cold Atom Physics, Field Theory and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation.


The types of programs include regular workshops (5 days), focus workshops (2-3 days) and summer/winter schools (1-3 weeks). A full program proposal should include a title, a list of scientific coordinators, the program type, scope and detailed description of the program, a list of proposed international and domestic participants. Enclosed please find guidelines for a program proposal. The proposals will be reviewed by Kavli ITS’s Science Advisory Board meeting.


For proposal guidelines, please see this link.

Please submit your proposals via this link. The application deadlines are:

May. 30, 2024 for the 2024 Fall programs;

Nov. 30, 2024 for the 2025 Spring programs.